Tuesday, May 29, 2007

4 Day Week

Where did Monday Go? I cannot seem to grasp how quickly that holiday sped by. All I remember is sleeping in, and taking a nap and contemplating what to have for lunch or dinner. It was extremely nice and exactly what I needed.

How did you spend your holiday? Do you feel that you are at a different pace today or are you letting the energy of the lost work day cause you to become harried or frenetic? It is so easy to lose our calmness and focus when we get back to our work schedule. We allow the list of "to do's" to begin clamoring for attention just because you decided to disengage from your normal routine.
Tell those "to do's" to just be quiet. You cannot give everything your attention at once. In fact, now is the time to really embrace this nice inner calm feeling you have and figure out ways to hold onto this all the time. I know that this is my goal. I am truly a better person and worker if I have can carry this inner calm with me. So, I am approaching all of my "to do's" with an attitude of "I will get to them as needed" or "I will determine what needs my attention first."
Reassuring yourself is key! We all deserve to feel calm and productive instead of rushed and disconnected. This takes promoting a calm center that we maintain by what we say internally to our self. If we are saying to our self "I am behind. I will never catch up." This doesn't help our inner calm, but if we are saying "I will get done what is necessary. I will prioritize and manage my time." Telling yourself often that you know what you are doing keeps those "negative" thoughts away. It is so much easier to be negative than positive. I sometimes wonder why that is.
If you are one of those individuals who has watched "The Secret" or understand that we become what we think we are.. You know that using our inner voice to maintain an inner calm is crucial.
So, play around with this idea not just with your inner calm, but with anything that you need to support in your life. Let me know how it feels and how often during the day do you catch yourself thinking "negative" or "unproductive" thoughts. See if you can turn them into "positive" and "productive" thinking.
Until tomorrow,
Mary Catherine George
Life Choices Coach

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