Friday, May 25, 2007

Finding Time during a Weekend Vacation!

It is a four day weekend! How do you find some down time that is away from family and friends? It seems selfish. There is the Memorial Day Weekend and in July we have the Fourth of July holiday and then in August probably some planned family or friends vacation. How do we carve out some time that is dedicated to you alone?

If you have been always carving out "me" time with your immediate family then it isn't so hard to do so during a family vacation. Just find a time that doesn't seem too interrupting to the scheduling that has been planned for the vacation or long weekend. Pick a time that seems to be a down time and have something planned that you want to do during that time. Perhaps, wander off and read a book, or write in your journal or rethink a creative project, or do nothing just let your mind wander and watch the crowd go by.

I find that for me, it is the just watching the crowd go by that fulfills some deep need to just be. So, pick an activity that really fills your spirit or gives you maximum bang for your buck. Have a beginning and ending time. Perhaps, even set an alarm so that you don't lose track of time and take the focus away from what the family has planned.

During long weekend or holidays it is just as important to spend time with family as it is to make sure we spend time with our self. That way we are much more available to those that we love and love us.

Enjoy the cookouts and outings this weekend..

Mary Catherine George

LifeChoices Coach

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