Thursday, May 24, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend Thoughts

Perhaps, this Memorial Day weekend you might consider taking time to do some soul searching. Take a few hours or take several hours over the weekend, think of three areas in your life that you want to see change. Think of the ways you have approached these areas. Consider the actions that you took to make change happen in these areas. What worked, what didn't. Then spend some time writing about these areas. What you see in the future. Let go of how you approached them before. That can carry negative energy..

Next, take some time and seeing the final product of your life with change in these areas. How does it feel? Really make this vision as filled with the five senses as possible. Allow yourself to truly embrace the reality of these three areas changing. If three areas is too much just tackle one area in you life you would like to see some change. Truly embrace this action of closing your eyes and see this area in your life changed. How would people react to you? How would your life feel if this area suddenly were profoundly changed. What would people say to you? What would you say to yourself?

This can be a powerful exercise. If you come away feeling motivated, invigorated and ready to take immediate action to make this change a reality - then take some time to truly connect to what your actions should be over the next several months.

If you came away uncertain, feeling fear or another negative feeling. Perhaps, you truly have issues with accomplishing what you want. Maybe there are other issues with what you want that you have as barriers. Maybe your family will feel threatened if you made more many than anyone. Maybe your spouse would feel jealous if you had some popularity or became more noticeable to others. Truly see what lies beneath why you are not moving forward in a certain area in your life.

Change no matter how much we want brings discomfort. That is just part of the process. Either we are motivated so much that we can tolerate this discomfort because we desire the end result, or we don't have the motivation because there are barriers that keep us from tolerating the discomfort of change.

What happens when you do this activity? So, I encourage you to take this weekend and reflect and see what things you encounter. Please send a comment if you find that you experience some interesting reactions. We all would benefit from your remarks..

Enjoy a wonderful time with family and friends

Mary Catherine George
LifeChoices Coach

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