Saturday, July 14, 2007


My parents are celebrating their Fiftieth Wedding Anniversary. The big 50. That is so hard for me to believe. Fifty years of being together sharing the trials and troubles over the years. Seven children and twelve grandchildren.
Amazing! The are still committed to each other. Despite all of the issues they have figured out what works or doesn't work for them. I am not sure for my generation we shall see many couples who can make it for fifty years together. First we are not marrying so young. Also, we find it hard to commit to ourselves or to our jobs or careers much less put in place the necessary actions to be committed to another person.
It is difficult to discipline myself to commit to myself. The thought of committing to another person - Impossible! Willing to put my needs and desires aside for another person. I find this difficult. I know there are so many rewards to devoting yourself to another person, but I am not sure I could do it. I don't know if I truly want to. I do like being alone. Although, I am in a relationship that is challenging me to consider these issues. SO, Very challenging!!
I want to know where does their needs stop and mine taken into consideration? Or how do we figure out compromise? So, I am going to start with committing to myself. I am committing going back to school. Something I didn't really want to do, but I think it would give me an ability to focus on myself and find some commitment to what I want and desire. That has been challenging me throughout my life. How to commit to what I desire and wish. I always give in. I never stand up for what I desire. I always feel that others needs are more important. That is changing. Something in me is screaming to be acknowledged and I need to do that. Now, or it will be too late.
So, commitment to myself first. Then, I will figure out how to be committed to someone else. Start small and go slow. Those are two ways of figuring out how to embrace new habits and ideas.

Please share your ways of experiencing commitment in your life.. ? That would be great.
Until tomorrow,
Mary Catherine George
LifeChoices Coach

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