Sunday, July 15, 2007

Knowing what you want

Knowing what I want is half the battle in almost all things that I do. I guess that is why I find that I struggle during some of this discovery period. I need to hold my feet to the fire and make a hard decision. Time is not an infinite thing. At some point, we run out of time. Whether we are too young or too old is probably not relative in somethings but it is relative in quite a few things that we choose to do in our life.
I guess that is why this scripture is important and so relative. To know what our purpose is... I believe that once we know our purpose the time to pursue it appears. It is in the knowing that I am challenged. In my life, I am a talented singer. Not just my words but others. I perform some but with a group not solo. I am a researcher. Talented in knowing design and how to run clinical studies. Very interested in human behavior and science. I find it fascinating. Also, I love to work with people. I am amazed at what providing support and focus to someone can do. I celebrate that I can coach individuals to look for positive actions and seek their desires.
Dare I stop all the things that I am doing and give time to one crucial activity that will be everything to me? One part of me celebrates in the risk and freedom that would come by making that choice. Another part of me is afraid of the financial issues and of my fear of being bored by pursuing a single passion. Or discovering some other reality about myself. So, what to do??
If I was able to do only one thing and knew that it could financially maintain my costs of living, I know for certain that I would be singing my heart out. I love to sing. It is what makes up my very being. Yes, I am discouraged by the rejection and lack of opportunities, but I know there is a place for me to sing. I just need to find it. Meanwhile, I cannot put all my hopes into one basket. I have high risk, medium risk and low risk activities. All that I am interested in and find fulfilling. I guess the singing is high risk. The coaching and consulting medium risk and the research work, a low risk. So, that is the process of how I determine what is my risk comfort zone.
To pursue my high risk singing passion, I am working with someone who may have some contacts. My medium risk is that I am looking for an opportunity to return to school to get my PhD and my low risk is that I am writing grants in my current position and helping structure the program so that it is more productive.

Yes, this sounds like a great deal to do, but I only accept slow small steps. I have learned that making leaps are out of the question. Slow and steady are my two words that I have painted boldly above my desk. I know without a doubt that my moving forward on all fronts slow and steady, I will get to where I am supposed to be and there will be time for me to be who I am..
Please share how you work on prioritizing your life goals and passion. It is always so wonderful to hear how others pursue their talents and interests.
Until tomorrow,
Mary Catherine George
LifeChoices Coach

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