Saturday, July 21, 2007

Need a Clone?

This week was lost to me and the flu. Monday it started with a slow overall bad feeling which progressed to fever, chills and coughing.

At times like these, I wish I could create a clone. A second me to keep all the things that I am doing moving forward. Getting sick just makes everything come to a screeching halt. No blog, no rehearsing, no follow up on current projects, just a complete stop because I am not well.

I have tried in the past to somehow limp through, but it really doesn't help me. In fact, forcing myself to be active when I am sick is a lost cause. I don't think clearly, I am not representing myself well and just overall nothing is done well. I just am home sick with my mind puzzling over all the things that are NOT getting addressed because I am just not physically capable of doing the tasks.

I try to give myself a break, but it isn't easy. Yes, no one plans to get sick nor do I plan to be as sick as I am. It is an unavoidable part of life that I just must embrace. What makes it more difficult is I know people who never seem to get sick. Or if they do, somehow they muddle through. For example, my boss. He just doesn't get sick. In fact, he prides himself on the ability to keep pushing through despite how sick he might be. He pushes through colds and laryngitis or whatever sickness he has he doesn't keep it from coming to work. You might know I hate him. Well, no, I don't hate him but it does make it impossible to be sick.
I am very compassionate when others are sick or when those who work for me are sick or my friends. I am totally understanding. I am just very impatient when it comes to my own circumstances of falling sick.

What to do? Take care of myself, rest, give myself a break. Nothing will be accomplished by me bemoaning my fate of suddenly become ill. I sometimes give myself the creative license to believe that perhaps there is some greater reason for be suddenly catching a cold. Who knows, but I must give myself a big hug and recognize that the time spent over the past week has been in getting well and staying just barely afloat at work and in other parts of my life.

So, please share how you feel when it comes to getting sick. How do you cope? We all struggle with the hardship of balance when it a flu or stomach virus suddenly takes hold. Can you imagine have a chronic illness? Not easy to imagine.
Until tomorrow,
Mary Catherine George
LifeChoices Coach

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