Sunday, July 22, 2007

Pay Off

So, I have been working on a project and finally have found completion. What is the pay off? Yes, I would love it if money would float down from the sky to equal the amount of work that I have involved in the project. Recognition, yes that would be another reward for my efforts, or offer for more work.

I know I have no control over how any reacts to a project that I have done. I can only find a sense of reward of a job well done. It is hard for me to not secretly to want money, acknowledgement, and rewards. All of those things and more, if it could be had. My ego is alive and well. It is so hard to send my work out into the world with the knowledge that I may receive nothing in return.

Ultimately, I know, the only pleasure to have is the pleasure of doing the work. Yes, that can be the only outcome that I have any control over. How much pleasure and excitement I get doing the work. I have a project right now that I am slowly seeing some results. Of course, I had a small return and now I am working on a similar project to see if I can get a larger return for my efforts. It is very challenging to remember that the work is the pleasure.

I look around and see other artists, writers, producers who have received acclaim or have money and I just can't imagine what their daily schedules contain. Are they like mine? Are they just finishing a project, just to start another. Never really seeing the outcome? or that the rewards from a project are so far in the future that I would be waiting forever to receive acknowledgement. Might as well get another project started. Yes, this is the reality, I believe, for everyone.

Waiting around to get acknowledgement or financial returns on my work might take forever. It might never happen. Yes, I do want to receive rewards for my work. Don't we all?? The reality is we can never know if we will. It is not in my control not yours. All I can control is the work I do. My passion for what I love to do, and the care I take when I engage in any project or work with my clients. Staying connected to the passion I have for my work keeps my focus not on the return but in the present and bonded to what I love doing.

Yes, in those moments that I have to reflect or puzzle how was a project received or was working with the client helpful, I can find myself wondering what the reward was. Clients are easy, I am always so excited coaching clients because I get to see how excited they are as they grow and become clear about their life goals. My own personal projects, well the clarity about how well they turned out or were received, sometimes is a bit hazy, but I think back about my process and connect to joy of doing the work.

I pray that we all have rewards from the work we do. It is important getting rewarded, but it must be about balance between what rewards you receive and the joy of doing the work that is your life's passion.

So, how do you deal with wanting to be rewarded for the work you do? Do you get discouraged if you don't see immediate results? How to move forward with new projects when you don't see results from your current work? Yes, dealing with the outcomes of our work is just as important as doing the work. If your work doesn't ever provide a pay off, well, you should give some consideration about getting some coaching. Outside perspectives can be very informative about direction. Otherwise, have patience and eventually you will have a pay off for all your hard work.

Until tomorrow,
Mary Catherine George
LifeChoices Coach

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