Friday, June 15, 2007

Balancing Time

Finding a balance in our schedule that includes tasks we enjoy and those that are necessary is a challenge. Scheduling is a tedious and troublesome necessity. Making sure that I have set aside the appropriate amount of time for specific tasks and meetings is not an easy chore for me.

My enthusiasm when I am working with clients and colleagues creates delays. It is very hard for me to work with someone and accomplish it in an hour. I typically have sessions that last 80 or 90 minutes because I just can't seem to accomplish what "in the moment" needs to be addressed. Also, it seems unfortunate to just stop because a clock says so.

Even when I am mindful of that 60 minute boundary approaching, I resent having to stop mid-thought or idea just because of a time boundary. It can be critical to keep the momentum and the flow of energy and ideas going or at least come to a stopping point. Balancing the time, managing the discussion or the flow of work is can be strategic to how the day flows.

This is key connect the task to the amount of time that seems appropriate. Sometimes it is better to design time for activities in large sections and then choose activities or discussions that will accommodate a 60 minute boundary. Becoming sensitive to what amount of time is needed to move a project forward or to discuss issues with a client can make or break how the day progresses.

I know that I am learning that 60 minutes will never be my boundary for working with clients. I enjoy the exchange and readily acknowledge that there is an arrival and warm up time that is present, even if the session is held on the phone. So most of my client sessions last 60 min. and then wrap up for 5-10 min. If necessary we do mutually agree to be aware of the time so that we respect each others need to maintain our schedules.

When I am working on projects, I can easily get lost in the moment of creativity and suddenly lose an hour or two. I have learned I MUST put on a timer so that I don't lose track of time and the other items scheduled.

How do you manage to balance your time and your creative enthusiasm? I would love for you to share your ideas and tools for keeping track of time and time managers that make keeping a schedule easy.

Until tomorrow,
Mary Catherine George
LifeChoices Coach

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