Tuesday, June 26, 2007


There are several types of feelings that I experience when I am embarking on working with a new project or a new client. I am often excited and uncertain. Two very conflicting feelings. All because there is no way to determine the outcome. I deeply want every project or coaching client to blossom, but there is no guarantee.
We can never tell how a project will come to life. This is why I love improvisation. As frightening as it can be, it is also exhilarating to see the inspiration and focus that can happen when I just let go and empty my mind. It is startling to see what can be created. Similar to what I experience when I am writing this blog.
Trusting our self to know what is the direction or process that is needed is somehow not something we do instinctively. I am always second guessing. If I just would stay the course or go with my first reaction it would have saved time and money.
Using imagination and creativity to work with my clients and projects allows them to truly take flight. I don't insist on trying to control the outcome but rather await to see what will be revealed. Each endeavor has its own voice and direction. I cannot force it to be something it isn't. This was an amazing realization for me. Integrating this attitude into your work process can help you stay motivated and excited about what will happen next. Now that is what I call surprising.
Creating a vision for our projects or clients is inspiring, but don't get bogged down by feelings of indecisiveness or holding onto some preconceived vision. Allow your work to soar towards where it wants to be. Who knows you might be pleasantly surprised and get a result you wouldn't have expected.
Please post your comments on how you stay open to your imagination and creativity when working on a project.
Until tomorrow,
Mary Catherine George
LifeChoices Coach

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