Sunday, June 24, 2007


It is difficult to embrace disappointment. I know when I have
planned a project and worked very hard to have the desired outcome, which is what we ALL want, it can be crushing to not have our expectation met. When we are passionate about what we do, and the end results don't appear it, can be more than disappointing, it can feel like a crushing blow to the heart.
Every cell of my body screams why? It is troubling to experience a disappointment in the plans that we make. Or to put yourself out there as an artist and you are not understood or appreciated or the other problem "no sales". We all want to earn money at what we love.
When this happens with me, I take a disappointment day. I allow myself to really experience all the miserable feelings of discouragement and rejection. I vent and experience in my mind perhaps, all the reasons why or write a journal page bemoaning my fate of not getting my desired result. Not allowing me to feel these feelings doesn't work for me. I need to acknowledge all the work and struggle that didn't succeed. Sometimes it doesn't take a whole day, but it can take a good half a day.
Once, I can get past my feelings of disappointment, then it is time to step back and embrace a perspective that will allow me to see what different directions or adjustments need to be addressed. Sometimes, if this is the fourth or fifth disappointment for a expected outcome, I need to determine if this is truly the path to keep pursuing with all my energy. I always like the idea of climbing up a ladder to see if I have it placed against the right wall.

When I am in the process of what I am doing it is very difficult to see where things could be fixed, adjusted or moved into a different direction. This is a time when I know I either need to stop working on that project for a bit or to get a trusted someone to give me a reality check. I am not one to keep hitting myself over the head, just to keep doing that over and over and expecting a different outcome.
One thing is clear, if we keep doing the same thing we typically get the same results. Change is required, perhaps even a MUST if we are repeatedly disappointed in the pursuit of our passion. Some measure of moving forward, even a tiny bit, needs to happen. It can be very discouraging to stay the course of your passion, if you continue to get zero results from your efforts. Perhaps you need to ask as many people as you can to get feedback or take a long break so that you can see your project with fresh eyes. What do you do when you have a disappointment occur with your pursuits? Do you throw in the towel or do you find a way to continue? Please feel free to share.
Until tomorrow,
Mary Catherine George

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oi, achei teu blog pelo google tá bem interessante gostei desse post. Quando der dá uma passada pelo meu blog, é sobre camisetas personalizadas, mostra passo a passo como criar uma camiseta personalizada bem maneira. Até mais.