Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Sailing into our dreams!! I wish it was a guaranteed smooth ride. I guess that is why I associate sailing with the process of making my dream life a reality.

I had never sailed before until two summers ago. When I think of what it takes to sail it means constantly being engaged in the activity of sailing. I could never stop giving my attention to the position of the sail, the steering and maintaining a position between the buoys. If I became distracted, in no time at all my sail would deflate or I drifted off course or I lost track of where we were. I had never realized what looked so beautiful took so much effort.

The process of sailing and pursuing our dreams takes more effort than we realize. To sail means to constantly have your attention engaged on all the sailing activities required to keep the boat moving. You cannot let up for one moment. I truly loved the experience that I had learning to sail, but I will never think again that it is simple activity. It was much more complex than I had realized.

The same is true for our dreams. Moving our dream forward takes persistent effort. No matter how small the movement. Staying connected at all times to our dreams so that we don't drift in the wrong direction. It is so easy to get side tracked by issues and activities that are not connected to our passion or dream for our life.

Do you actively do a small step each day towards your dream? Have you found yourself side tracked by a project or work that has consumed your attention? I sometimes feel that I can't identify what small step needs to be done. I often make a list and see how many little steps can these list items be broken into. Plus, scheduling "sacred" time each day that is mine and mine alone allows me to give my attention to theses dream tasks. Including these two daily things are challenging. Many times I am tempted to delay my sacred time or overlook the small steps I need to do today. As a reminder, I look at the picture of me sailing and I remember how easy it was to go adrift and to get off course. I want to stay on course for my dreams.

How do you help yourself stay on course? What key things help you move forward in pursuit of your life dream. Please share, I know everyone truly could benefit knowing what others do to support action towards our dream life.

Until tomorrow,
Mary Catherine George
LifeChoices Coach

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