Sunday, June 3, 2007


Sunday is the day we all want to gather our energy, focus and reconnect with where we are headed for the next week. If we wait until Monday morning, having any direction for our week can easily get off track.
Today, I just woke up really feeling like @$#&!! You fill in the four letter word. I wanted to abandon ship. Do nothing, think nothing and just give into this feeling of yuck. Finding energy felt like the boy with the cables to his head.. "Please don't!!"

Do you feel like this sometimes? Abandoning ship. You have lost the purpose that lies behind the actions you are taking. I know I am feeling that way. This is when I find a gentle way of nudging myself back to the tasks that need to be addressed.

Like today, I am avoiding the work that I know must be done so that Monday and the remainder of the week will be constructive. So, I am choosing to do what I love to do.. write here in the blog. This is a gentle way of getting me in the direction of where I need to go.

So, if there are items that you are avoiding that need your attention, sometime starting with something that you enjoy and then heading into the items that aren't as pleasant and then trading off can be a way working through this feeling.

I guess it is like holding a carrot out in front of me. I have taken a bite and know I can have more as I get those items done that I am not as inspired to do. So, if you are not feeling motivated or lack a sense of purpose today, try doing something you enjoy and trading off after 30 -45 minutes and tackling those tasks you don't enjoy as much. I know this always helps me get into the spirit.
At the end of Sunday, I hope to report to you tomorrow just how well I was able to refuel my task items and have a plan for Monday. Keeping it simple and gentle is always the way to go when it comes to making change in my life. How can you keep things simple or gentle for you? Please feel free to share. I would love to hear comments on how you manage to address items or tasks that you find difficult.
Mary Catherine George
LifeChoices Coach

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