Saturday, June 9, 2007

Staying Up All Night

Staying up all night playing cards was a blast. I don't know where the energy came from. It was fun to share and get to know family that I don't know through this game of playing cards. It was quite silly at times and created some great memories.

Sometimes being reasonable and sticking to your plans does need to be thrown to the wind. I don't do it often but life is about allowing spontaneity to throw all cares out the window. Of course, I am paying for that carefree attitude now because I am trying to wake up, my brain is sluggish, my mind is unclear and I am struggling because I am out of my "norm" of behaviour.

Not a terrible thing. I know that we can't always be focusing on some of our personal and professional goals. It is great to just let go and be carefree about my schedule. I am still on target with some of my work, but some of the items, I just need to set aside until later.

It can be fun and an eye opener about my own hold that I have on myself. What I observed last night was as I tried to hold onto what I expected of myself the less the focus was on the moment. If I let go of the thoughts about my own expectations the more I was present in the moment and it was fun and carefree. We lost track of time and suddenly it was 6am. I just let go and was in the moment which felt great. I really enjoyed it and look forward to perhaps doing more in the future.

So often, I carry a mental "to do" list in my head of what I am expecting to get done or work on. This can be useful but exhausting when you are away on vacation or visiting family. Letting go entirely of this "to do" list is not useful, but allowing myself the opportunity to just so "what the heck" feels very freeing.

I know a lot of people live their lives from moment to moment, which is great! Somehow, I don't know if this would work for me. I need to keep track of where I have been, where I am now and where I want to be. If I don't I am not sure if I will get where I want to be. I know that some of the members in my goals group feel the same. They have experienced not remembering what happened for an entire year. It is difficult to find a balance of observing our lives. Perhaps we can share and explore how we stay in touch with our self while we live our life.

Well off to some more family time.

Mary Catherine

LifeChoices Coach

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